The Hope for Shkoder Evangelical Church exists to be a place of hope, love and care. We want to be the light in the darkness, an answer to the spiritual and physical needs of our community. Our mission is: to love God, to love one another, to love and reach the lost souls with the Gospel of salvation for eternal life.
You are more than welcome to join one of our services.
Every Sunday @ 10.30

Children are full of life, energy and creativity. They are in the beginning of life and need special attention. Every Saturday morning we get to spend time with them to share Gods love. Divided into two diffrent age groups the children can experience Gods Word and learn what it means for their own life.
You are more than welcome to join one of our childrens program.
Every Saturday @ 10:00

Young people are the next generation - a generation that can write a new history. We want to equipe this generation to have a biblical foundation, to know God and to love coming into his presence. Every Friday afternoon we are coming together to have fun, get impacted and praise God.
You are more than welcome to join one of our youth services.
Every Friday @ 17.30
We want to bring hope, love and care to Shkoder in diffrent aspects of life.
We believe that Jesus has given every believer and Church the mandate to be His witness in this fallen world. We are the representatives and ambassadors of Christ. We are the chosen and called to proclaim, declare and spread the Good News of salvation through the only one, true savior Jesus Christ. We believe that the Gospel of Jesus is the power of salvation for every person that receives it and believes it.
We do this as we are serving God and the people in this city. We do this through meeting needs in both a practical and a spiritual way.
You can read more about our ministries below:

Ladies meeting
Once a week the women of the church meet together to be encouraged, to read the Word of God and to have fellowship together.
Every Thuesday @ 10.00

Healthcare Center
Our Healthcare Center is one of the ways we do ministry. Healthcare is a big problem in our country and many people suffer not only physical disease, but also the social diseases of corruption, lack of education and poverty, resulting in a broken healthcare system causing mistreatment of the people.
We started this healthcare center to be an answer to this huge need in our community. We want to serve people with integrity, dignity and the care that they deserve. We regularly offer programs of free medical checkups and medicines for the entire community. We want to be a witness of a Living God that cares and loves people through our services and treatments toward every patient.
A full medical team staff consists of 6 people: two general practitioners, one lab technician, one physicians and two nurses. Our clinic offers a high standard of treatment including a large range of blood tests and other diagnostic services.
Prayer meeting
We believe in the power of God and that prayers can impact our lives and change our circumstances. We regularly come together in front of God and pray for the church, those outside of the church, and other issues and events important to our world.
Every Wednesday @ 10.00
Every Saturday @ 08.00

Roma Community
Our Church is involved in a Gypsy and Roma community where we distribute humanitarian help, make sure the children have at least one good meal a week, teach them the Word of God, help them with their homework from school, and create activities to entertain them. We also have a Bible study for the ladies every week.
Our vision and purpose is to plant a Church and reach this community with the Gospel of Christ, so they can be saved and start serving Christ in their own community.

Visiting families
Visiting the poor and caring for the suffering is also one of our ministry services. We love to go around visiting people, especially the families that live in need and are suffering, helping them in their needs, praying for them, and encouraging them to believe in God.
The Joy House
The Joy House is a way through which we want to bring hope to children from very poor families. Three times a week we pick up the children from their homes and bring them to our church home to help them with their homework and provide a warm meal. This also allows us to teach them ethics, good hygiene, tell stories from the bible and to offer them other entertaining activities in order to grow into healthy people.

We are committed to our one-on-one discipleship training. Our training manual prepares the students through the basics of faith and relationship with God. Our dream is to start our own discipleship Bible school and College. We strongly believe in the equipping of every believer and building qualified leaders for the ministry and work of God.
Spreading the Good News
We believe in evangelism and the Great Commission, and we are always ready to go and reach the lost. We are always seeking to cooperate with others in this, to enrich the Kingdom of Heaven with reborn souls!

Support our ministries
Your help and contribution is very needed and precious. You are welcome to donate online through PayPal, or you can use the info below, to make a bank transfer donation into our Bank account:
Recipients name and address: FONDACIONI "SHPRESE PER SHKODREN" Lgj - Fari Ramadani, Rr - Hoti, prane shkolles se Muzikes, Shkoder, Albania.
Account number: IBAN AL02209516090000602164930102
Swift code: FEFAALTR Procredit Bank, Albania.
Thank you very much for your generosity. May God bless you, and reward you according to His richness.

Rruga Hoti, 4001 Shkoder

Hope for Shkoder
"Shpresë për Shkodrën"
Evangelical Church
Hope, Love and Care